[sudo-discuss] The Omni is happening - PLEASE REVIEW & DISCUSS!

David Keenan dkeenan44 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 15 17:54:56 PDT 2014

*"IE, as measured by pixels, the W<>E dimension was smaller by ~5%, and the
N<>S dimension smaller by ~2%" *

Oops - reverse these dimensions, its the N<>S that I think was smaller by
~5%, and the E<>W dimension smaller by ~2%, compared to the listed
dimensions for that room.

(Again someone might want to check my math, I dont have time for anything
other than a spot check at just this moment :)


On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 5:44 PM, David Keenan <dkeenan44 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I really, really love that we are all working through this together! I
> cannot thank you enough. Matt and Patrik especially!
> I will work up a discrete $/sqft/group spreadsheet and hopefully augmented
> floorplan later when I have time.
> I've seen y'alls questions and thoughts and awesome input and have not
> responded back yet solely due to cognitive bandwidth constraints
> (IRL-imposed DoS and physical I/O saturation.)
> I'll also answer as many of the other questions I can, and work up the
> formal proposal we need as well as as much of the other paperwork.
> Just to let everyone know we started with what every group can afford and
> around how much space is needed and when, rather than what each part of the
> space is worth on its own. Both are valid and imbricated metrics -- just a
> different starting place.
> Also in terms of relative rents being paid per sq.ft of dedicated space, I
> suspect we will find that CCL and Sudo are probably paying less rent rent
> per sq.ft than everyone else, except for FNB. BAPS is probably paying the
> most.
> There are other metrics too to consider which is how often the space is
> used.
> IE ONL is paying $500/mo and they only put on a few shows (and probably a
> couple rehearsals) a month. Other groups expressing interest (but not yet
> in the collective) have similar needs for temporary space - ie a yoga
> collective possibly, etc.
> FYI Patrik, really appreciate all your work going over the $/sq.ft on the
> floor plan. I love your system for measuring and checked it against the
> listed (numeric) dimensions printed in the floor plan.
> Measuring the interior pixel lines in your 12ppi drawing of the bocce ball
> court room though in GIMP, I found that the bocce ball court room as
> measured by pixels (816px x 515px) was smaller than was listed the floor
> plan (I am heavily sleep deprived, so y'all correct me if I'm off.)
> IE, as measured by pixels, the W<>E dimension was smaller by ~5%, and the
> N<>S dimension smaller by ~2%, leading to a ~7% discrepancy in this room,
> or ~208' smaller. IE, pixels measure 2918 sq.ft, listed measures 3127 sq.ft.
> Not sure which is more accurate, but I'm wagering the printed dimensions
> are probably the more reliable (unless someone can think otherwise?)
> I noticed in your xls, you used the listed rather than pixel-measured
> dimensions for the bocce ball court room. But you may want to increase your
> estimation of the raised platform area by 7%, and subtract that by 3127 to
> come up with the full dimensions.
> Love -
> David
> On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 4:51 PM, Patrik D'haeseleer <patrikd at gmail.com>wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 3:24 PM, Marina Kukso <marina.kukso at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> does the $1.20/sqft price work out for what every other group has
>>> pledged and the space they're expecting?
>> Note that the $1.20/sqft I came up with is simply working backwards from
>> the $2000 someone stated CCL would be willing to pay in rent, and the size
>> of the Bocce court. I would not expect that to match the numbers that any
>> of the other groups have thrown out there, other than by complete
>> serendipity.
>> If we come up with a more rational price list, I would expect spaces in
>> the basement to have a lower $/sqft than the rest, and especially
>> attractive areas such as the corner bedroom space above the bar, or the
>> owner's apartment (didn't get to see that one) perhaps a bit more. There
>> should definitely be some sort of premium for windows vs no windows.
>> In addition, we'll need to work out something for groups that do not want
>> dedicated space. There can be different rates there too, based on how
>> frequently they expect to use how much of the shared space, or with how
>> many people. Not so we can police how the shared space is being used, but
>> to have at least some fair way of subdividing that big $12K rent check
>> we'll all need to pay every month.
>> Perhaps we can start by calculating how much dedicated space we are
>> likely to have, and what fraction of the $12K rent should come from groups
>> using dedicated space vs from their use of the shared space. That also
>> becomes a policy decision: we can encourage or discourage the use of shared
>> vs dedicated space by adjusting our fee structure.
>> Patrik
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