[sudo-discuss] Board meeting TONIGHT!

Whitney Lawrence whitneyel3 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 27 17:53:07 PDT 2014

Hey team!
I injured myself and spent the day in the Hospital, fortunately nothing
very serious. However, I am heavily medicated at the moment. That being
said, I'd prefer not to make a spectacle of myself. I'll look over the
meeting minutes and debrief with Hol Tuesday or Wednesday and take care of
any action items that you all find appropriate (be gentle). I'm sorry to
miss out on the discussion. Good luck and we'll talk soon.

Whitney Lawrence

On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 4:16 PM, Vicky Knox <vknoxsironi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Friendly reminder! We'll begin at 7pm in Sudo Room's new space at 4749
> Shattuck. Bring a snack!
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