[sudo-discuss] Space hackathon is on! Nov 7-9

hol at gaskill.com hol at gaskill.com
Fri Oct 24 12:21:37 PDT 2014


Hey Folks, 

We are still figuring out some details but it's happening at multiple
locations in Oakland and Berkeley, and I think ours is going to be the
most active. We plan to host about 50 people in the sudo room/CCL area,
hopefully with the ability to spill over into other areas of the omni
subject to existing scheduling constraints. 

The only requirement for entry is to be 18 years or older, and they are
looking for students, hackers, amateurs, everyone interested in
electronics and biology iiiinnnn spaaaaaace! The signup is at the end of
the page linked below: 


If you want to help organize and plan, please get in touch with me via


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