[sudo-discuss] moar outreach

april glaser april.glaser at riseup.net
Wed Oct 22 20:42:50 PDT 2014

Well, if we invite groups that are here with a member or are invited to
an open event, is that okay? That's what I meant. To come to an
open-invite event (like the cryptoparty already is) or to come with an
explicit invitation.

I think the answer is to invite people to open-events, perhaps. That's
what I was thinking.

We just talked about this at the meeting. Just to start doing more
outreach to bring new people into ongoing projects at the space.
On 10/22/14 8:36 PM, Marina Kukso wrote:
> i think that between the move and not being open to the public, we
> lost a lot of regulars from the old sudo (at least, i don't see a lot
> of folks that used to come by the old space). i think it's possible
> that there are many people who aren't aware that they can come to
> omni. i'm not sure how we can let people know that they can come by
> while also dealing with the "not open" issue.
> On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 8:34 PM, april glaser <april.glaser at riseup.net
> <mailto:april.glaser at riseup.net>> wrote:
>     Awesome. I'm in touch with a lot of these folks. Let's be in touch
>     off-list.
>     On 10/22/14 8:32 PM, zaki at manian.org <mailto:zaki at manian.org> wrote:
>>     I've had an ambition to do an activist focused infosec/
>>     cyptoparty session.
>>     Some Oakland based groups I had in mind were
>>     - AROC -http://araborganizing.org/
>>     - And the lighthouse mosque folks-http://www.lighthousemosque.org/
>>     - The Oakland Privacy Working Group also needs some hardening.
>>     Do any of the other groups in the omni seem like they need help/
>>     hardening?
>>     They've all been part of efforts Restore the Fourth has been
>>     involved against the DAC and Urban Shield.
>>     Public Key
>>     <https://raw.github.com/zmanian/pub_keys/master/gpg/%3Czaki@manian.org%3E.public.gpg-key>
>>     On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 8:25 PM, april glaser
>>     <april.glaser at riseup.net <mailto:april.glaser at riseup.net>> wrote:
>>         Hi friends,
>>         So here at the meeting we're brainstorming about ways to
>>         bring more
>>         people in to the space, both to be more inviting and
>>         receptive to the
>>         needs of our community and to help bring more support to
>>         Sudoroom.
>>         Towards that end, how about everyone who runs a group at the
>>         space make
>>         an extra effort to reach out to others who might be interested in
>>         joining your group or learning what you know? Try it this week!
>>         It could mean doing a basic websearch and finding out if
>>         there are other
>>         community groups that are interested in these issues or would
>>         benefit
>>         from learning what you all know.
>>         For example, with the cryptoparty, I'm excited to contact to
>>         some of the
>>         activist groups that are organizing visible protests in
>>         Oakland and
>>         would benefit from skills shared at a cryptoparty.. If you
>>         work on
>>         robots, maybe reach out to some of the many robotics groups
>>         in the Bay
>>         Area. Just send an email to let them know when and where;
>>         maybe they'll
>>         show up :)
>>         Let me know if you're interested in doing outreach, but don't
>>         know where
>>         to start or who to invite. I'd be delighted to help.
>>         Ever upward,
>>         April
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