[sudo-discuss] Fwd: [BAPS-Organizing] Fw: Liberating Ourselves Locally (LOL) Makerspace and Hackerspace

Stephen Novotny novotny.stephen at gmail.com
Wed Oct 8 11:26:48 PDT 2014

Has Sudo reached out to LOL? They hold general meetings on Monday at
7:30pm. Would be a great ally for Sudo and Omni Commons as a whole!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: 'DZ Brazil' via BayAreaPublicSchool-organizing <
bayareapublicschool-organizing at googlegroups.com>
Date: Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 11:09 AM
Subject: [BAPS-Organizing] Fw: Liberating Ourselves Locally (LOL)
Makerspace and Hackerspace
To: Bay Area Public School Organizing <
bayareapublicschool-organizing at googlegroups.com>

dear friends :

chris chen passed on this potential omni contact to reach out to (see
below) -- is anyone willing to drop them a line ?

love -- david

  ----- Forwarded Message -----
 *From:* Chris Chen <unclechen at msn.com>
*To:* David Brazil <dzbrazil at yahoo.com>
*Sent:* Wednesday, October 8, 2014 10:56 AM
*Subject:* Liberating Ourselves Locally (LOL) Makerspace and Hackerspace

This might be a decent group to contact if folks are looking for more
potential collectives.

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