[sudo-discuss] shotspotter will be discontinued

Yardena Cohen yardenack at gmail.com
Sun Mar 16 09:36:31 PDT 2014

On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 3:23 PM, Jake <jake at spaz.org> wrote:
> i mean.. sending police toward the gunfire?  sounds like a good idea...

Let's be real though, much of the time the police don't get to the
scene even if you call them outright. Even if you beamed a
time-travelling hologram of the event onto their forehead. Brandy
Martell was shot a block from City Hall, and she died on the street.
The police took their sweet time in getting there, and the ambulance
took even longer. "First responders" my ass.

Maybe mesh up with local hospitals and EMTs instead of the cops.

Or just make the robot post "free laptop" to Craigslist. You'll have
dozens of good samaritans rushing to check it out.

And remind me again why 911 doesn't work?

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