[sudo-discuss] cats with wifi detectors + sudoMesh

Romy Ilano romy at snowyla.com
Thu Sep 25 20:04:09 PDT 2014

In the latest OReilly newsletter Ellen F. writes about a cat with a radio
collar who wanders around neighborhoods to check for weak points in
neighborhood wifis.

I'm wondering if SudoMesh could do something similar - attach a radio
collar to an outdoors cat to detect existing Sudomesh networks? Maybe that
would be a  fun hack!


One cat, a radio collar, and a night on the town – this little adventure
turned into an entertaining article in *Wired* magazine 8 August 2014 by
Andy Greenberg about the creative use of a feline investigator to find weak
points in security of the neighborhood’s wifis


Romy Ilano
romy at snowyla.com
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