[sudo-discuss] New Spaces, Sudo Room, and the Public School.

Hol Gaskill hol at gaskill.com
Tue Nov 26 15:49:35 PST 2013

Hey David,

I think there is a sufficient maker component of sudo folk that light industrial / fabrication suitable space is very attractive.  I haven't had a chance to review the materials on 8th and Alice yet but wanted to put out there that there is a big making / prototyping / startup appetite to be satisfied.  However, the shop part of sudo room has become crowded out with milk crate storage and other things - this may mean that it will be important to have a better shop area that is a feature that brings people in, or it may mean that the people interested in building things are moving on to other spaces that hold such activities dear.  I am honestly not sure which is true.  Forking the hardware / making part to a separate location (with 3-phase 220V power, for example) under the same umbrella organization might a viable solution.  I think from the beginning the idea of a federation of like-minded spaces has been of interest - we have many options to create.


Nov 26, 2013 03:24:31 PM, dkeenan44 at gmail.com wrote:
>The new potential space on 8th & Alice by Laney sounds cool. On its face it seems about the same price per square foot as the Omni (base+projected NNN). I'd love to check it out.

>I realize the landowners of this space are trying to attract light-industrial hackerspacey folk, ostensibly in an effort to incubate startups out of Laney, so I'm not sure how the Bay Area Public School might fit into this scheme as a possible co-tenant, and I guess that concerns me in a worried-for-the-revolution sort of way. 

>Call me a sap, but I would like Sudo and the Public School to move somewhere together. To me that is more important than where we move. I think it's a more ambitious, radical vision than moving somewhere each on our own, or even Sudo moving in with a bunch of other hackerspaces. 

>BAPS and Sudo have truly complementary visions which I think is special. I also like the idea of creating a big radical space where a variety of community needs are served - imagine walking in and being able to take a language or political philosophy class at BAPS, or 3d print at Sudo, or letterpress / print something at Timeless Infinite Light, or cut a film, use the darkroom, or hear a talk, or perform, or radically organize? A site of radical production; a radical space thats a nexus for new ways of building community, instead of balkanizing it into a diaspora of separate spaces struggling just to survive and get by. A whole, that is greater than the sum of its parts kind of thing. A place for a greater kind of community, not one echo chamber for hackers, and another one across town for poets. A place that we would one day own. Dreaming big. 

>I'm not married to the Omni, but the 8th & Alice space is envisioned by the developers seems a little like an adjunct to Laney, with a (however noble) capitalist vision of incubating tech out of this community... dare I say, perhaps a kind of after-school program for Laney students sort of vibe? Is this anything to worry about?

>But more to the point, what about BAPS and Sudo not breaking up, wherever we end up?

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