[sudo-discuss] my experiences with "crime" in oakland [part 1 of ?]

Hol Gaskill hol at gaskill.com
Wed Nov 20 13:43:10 PST 2013

I don't think there's anything particularly shocking on the list archives - many lively discussions with all sorts of opinions as you might have on any other forum.  Honestly there's too much material there to make it worth your while to even skim, in my opinion.  My point was primarily that 2 people - one who exclusively spent meatspace time sudo room, and one who exclusively engaged online - would form very different theories about the culture here.  As far as being physically there, it has had its ups and downs as you might expect.  There was the initial excitement of finally getting to the stage of having a room and not just a closet, and a flurry of work parties to set up infrastructure.  Membership meetings swelled and alot of new people came around.  for a time, there were a few conflicts and some procedural wrangling that sort of took center stage at the general meetings and turned off a few people who would come to meetings as first time visitors.  Alot of the early growing pains have been settled now - we have hacked together a pretty good access system, we have thriving spinoffs and subgroups meeting, the public school's presence has been a boon to overall pollination and community vibe, and it looks like we're set to keep making rent.  Please do come by the meeting tonight and introduce yourself!  That's the best social dynamics input I think you could have in your opinion-forming process, that or coming to a meetup for another project at the space: https://sudoroom.org/calendar/


Nov 20, 2013 01:14:30 PM, drwho at virtadpt.net wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>On 11/19/2013 02:11 PM, Hol Gaskill wrote:
>> I hope no one is forming opinions on the whole of sudo room based
>> on communications originating from specific people.  If you look
>> back on the archives,
>I think there are
>> many personalities that are vocal on the sudo-discuss list - this
>does not translate into
>> cultural influence, nor should it be construed as representative
>> of
>the values anyone
>> other than the person behind their own keyboard.  I for one do not
>consider anyone
>I suppose that's my cue...
>Hello, everyone.  I'm new to Oakland, I've been here only a couple of
>weeks.  I've also been to Sudo Room once or twice and run into members
>around the city in recent memory.  I met a couple of people who seemed
>like good eggs.  I've also been lurking on this mailing list for a
>while, and the general tone of this discussion has caused me to
>reconsider joining Sudo Room.  My concerns are whether or not it's the
>sort of place I could call home due to the social dynamics.  However,
>Hol, I will spend some time reading the archives before making such a
>- -- 
>The Doctor [412/724/301/703] [ZS]
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