[sudo-discuss] Inner door lock not working. Let's fix it!

Jenny Ryan tunabananas at gmail.com
Tue Jul 30 00:28:21 PDT 2013

Hi all!

Our lovely sudoor access system is currently broken. Things look okay from
the server side, so it's likely a hardware issue. Granted, the whole thing
is a bit janky, so I think it's finally time to upgrade to sudoor v2. I'd
like to fix it, but don't have experience, so I thought I'd come to
Hacking Night<https://sudoroom.org/ai1ec_event/microcontroller-hack-night/?instance_id=65561>tomorrow
and see what I can do. If anyone owns or could suggest where to
procure the following, that'd be rad!:

   - thin and thick wire mounting materials
   - male pinheaders to secure wires to the breadboard
   - a case for the t1 microcontroller, and screws to mount it to the wall
   - definitely some soldering to be done as well [we have the tools and
   material for this at least]

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