[sudo-discuss] Bike Smut: Sex-Positive erotic bike flims at Sudo Room?

Vicky Knox vknoxsironi at gmail.com
Thu Apr 18 00:21:22 PDT 2013

THE BACKGROUND: The people from Bike Smut and I think it would be fun and
fascinating and fabulous to have a screening of their erotic bike films at
Sudo Room as a combo of Fabulous Friday Films and Hacking Sexual Health.
Bike Smut encourages "sex-positive bikers to make short films about bikes
and sex to help spread a message of joy and liberation through sexuality
and cycling". Everything they do is non-commercial, and is backed by the
desire to demystify and provoke more open thought and conversation around

We would like to do this on Friday, May 17th in the evening.

WE NEED YOU: The films are of course erotic in nature, and will involve
nudity and sexual acts. Please let me know if you have any concerns,
reservations or clarifying questions--we realize pornography may not be for
everyone, and are sensitive to any concerns you may have. :]
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