[sudo-discuss] Sudo Room Fundraiser Party Tomorrow Night!

Jenny Ryan tunabananas at gmail.com
Fri May 1 01:12:50 PDT 2015

Come by Sudo Room tomorrow evening and hold it down after Oakland shuts it

This isn't just a party - it's also a fundraiser to help grow sudo room's
broke-ass bank account. Please bring some cash to donate!

We'll have:
* Fermentation Station's witchy brew and kombucha
* A special batch of SudoMate
* An outdoor laser cutting workshop
* A dance party in sudo itself, with a special guest performance of our hit
group, New Oakland Scavanger Co Electric Spazm Champions - it's like a jug
band without the jugs, and instead with pretty much any instrument you want
* A newly-operational robot arm that will be drawing SVG portraits
* A fresh batch of sudo swag - buttons and new stickers
* Potentially a very special interactive musical performance powered by

SPAZ will also be hosting a soundsystem party in the basement of the Omni,
with a tea lounge upstairs in La Commune.

Invite your friends, 7pm til late!
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